Jabardasth" Katharnak Comedy Show is a popular Telugu TV comedy show, rated "excellent" among Telugu, broadcast on ETV channel, in Andhra Pradesh, India. The show was first telecast on ETV on 7 Feb 2013, featuring popular Telugu film industry actor and producer Nagendra Babu and Telugu film actress and politician Roja (actress)
The concept was primarily, a competition between 6 different teams, later on it became between 5 teams who on a weekly basis will compete with each other by performing a comedy skit. At the end of the show all teams will be scored out of 10 points by both judges Nagababu and Roja. Finally winner will be announced and rewarded with 10,000 rupees Cash Prize and Poster of the week will be decided based on the skit performed by the winner.In addition to above mentioned Comedy Skits, all team leaders used to tell a joke and will be rewarded 10,000 rupees cash prize for the best as Joke of the day. But later on it was removed from the show.
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